

Data Science Hangout, Using Data to Influence Institutional Decisions

How colleges and universities use data to advance student, faculty, and staff success

Data Literacy is Data Governance

Data Literacy will help us excel beyond Excel


A Gentle Reminder to Question the Underlying Data

When you get data, it is important to understand how it was collected, what it means, and whether what you are measuring actually …

American Research Universities. Feature of Bug? A Quick Explainer of the Place You Work

Working in a modern American research university can be a mysterious experiences. This presentation is intended to shed light on the …

Mirror, Flashlight, & Roadmap... How Institutions of Higher Education Use Data to Advance Student Outcomes

How Institutions of Higher Education Use Data to Advance Student Outcomes


Data Science as a Flashlight

How Predictive Models Can Guide the Way to Student Success

The Role of Data Science in Higher Ed and What You Can Do at Your Institution

How are you using data to leverage more growth in your institution…and how can you do it better?

Content Optimization with Multi-Arm Bandits & How to Title Presentations

Multi-arm bandits and content optimization


Opportunities and Challenges of Predictive Analytics

How Advanced Analytics Can Create a Win-Win for Students and Institutions


Episode 13. Enrollment Goals and Half-Court Shots. You Cannot Have It All

Why Your Enrollment Goals Might Be In Conflict